Addicted2The CrackHouse: Grab a Clubhouse Cheat Sheet

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Addicted2The CrackHouse

I Promise It'll Change Your Life

This New Application Might Have Saved My Life
It Most Definitely Will Change Yours

About The Book

Addicted2The CrackHouse is about the new social audio platform that was launched in March of 2020

The Application allows you to carry on phone conversations with anyone that is currently active on the platform all around the world 

About Me


Whatever piece of the world I

am BLESSED enough to be able to REACH

I am a WALKING MIRACLE the same as you are of course...

But in my case,

I should have died at least a 100 times in my life already

I've been SHOT AT 3 times

I've been in over a 100 FIGHTS

I'm literally like Paul Walker from Fast & the Furious

Because I've been in at LEAST 30 High-Speed chases in my life

ALSO for a LONG-LONG time

I was hooked on basically EVERY DRUG is known to man

BUT NOW I have been SOBER SINCE Nov 2017

I will never touch any type of intoxicant that will pollute my


So I wrote this book Addicted2The CrackHouse to share the start of my story and the life-changing impact

That Clubhouse has had on both my personal development, as well as my life.

Some Audio Clips

Yvener Duroseau

Tyrone Tate

Steve Edwards

Paivi Yii-Hollo

Patricia Gilmore aka 

Ms. Pat

Cosmo Causey

Cosmo Causey

Cosmo Causey

Christine Rodgers

Aris Canel

Les Brown

A Testimony

Testimony from someone that I have worked with and helped to be able to get their program set up properly, and for absolutely nothing. 

Another Happy Customer In Our

Funnel System

Another Happy Customer In

Our Funnel System

Another Testimony 

One of many people that I have helped to be able to get their product or service out to the world.

A Testimony From Vera Thomas

How Shanel has already uploaded almost 100 products into the HBA Funnel Builder in less than 30 days

I help people overcome there fears

I know it can be scary sometimes

I also know how distracting life can be

The way to become successful is to become 


I am building a team of Freedom Crusaders  

A Testimony From Kamal

Another Share from

Steve Edward 

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